México, tempo de trégua
Estive no México em duas ocasiões neste ano. A primeira, em julho, para cobrir as eleições nas quais o priísta Enrique Peña Nieto saiu vitorioso. A segunda, agora, para acompanhar a Feira Internacional do Livro de Guadalajara, maior evento das letras latino-americanas, que ocorre na capital do estado de Jalisco.
Durante a minha primeira passagem, fiquei bastante impressionada com o movimento “YoSoy132”, que reuniu jovens universitários que se posicionaram contra a candidatura de Peña Nieto. De um colorido e um vigor ímpares, os integrantes do grupo tomaram as ruas das principais cidades do país, em especial as da Cidade do México, conhecida como D.F.
Suas bandeiras eram muito claras: denunciar os superpoderes e a corrupção do grupo Televisa, pedir justiça pelo massacre de Atlacomulco, pelo qual Peña Nieto é responsabilizado, o fim da guerra contra o narcotráfico e maior transparência do governo. A principal, porém, era opor-se à candidatura de Peña Nieto.

Seu movimento ganhou volume e influência, sendo responsável por incluir esses temas nas agendas dos candidatos, que passaram a abordá-los em discursos, e forçando um terceiro debate, mais informal, que permitiu conhecer melhor os postulantes. O único que não se comoveu com eles foi Enrique Peña Nieto. E o clima de enfrentamento entre jovens x governo, se acirrou desde então.
Lembro-me de uma tarde de julho, às vésperas da votação, em que os estudantes programaram um ato para a Praça da Revolução. Entre outras coisas, promoveram a queima e a destruição de um boneco gigante de Peña Nieto.
Seguramente, essa eleição não teria sido a mesma se não fosse por eles e pela insistência de que se fossem discutidos esses temas candentes. Também é verdade que suas marchas coloridas e criativas deram vida e projeção à eleição diante da mídia internacional. Porém, a violência de seus atos e símbolos deveria ser mais contida e melhor endereçada. Nada justifica queimar ou destruir a imagem de uma pessoa. Daí a partir para um ato violento de verdade, não parece haver muita distância.
Um pouco mais disso, infelizmente, vi agora, nessa minha segunda passagem. No dia da posse de Peña Nieto houve enfrentamento de jovens e polícia. Por mais que o “YoSoy132” tenha tentado desvincular-se do ocorrido, foi confirmado que os jovens estavam ligados ao grupo. Houve quatro feridos, um deles ainda está em estado grave.
A rejeição à Peña Nieto tem razão de ser. Político autoritário, um neo-caudilho com relações duvidosas com a Televisa e um passado que não fala bem de sua capacidade de administrar crises durante sua atuação como governador. Além disso, representa um partido responsável por muito atraso no México, além de ser um dos campeões de corrupção e de manipulação de resultados das urnas.
Isso, porém, não justifica os episódios de violência, e seria hora de os movimentos progressistas pensarem em dar-lhe uma trégua, ou pelo menos que o deixassem começar a apresentar suas propostas de governo. Afinal, os desafios que o esperam são grandes: manter o país na linha do crescimento, combater o crime organizado, incluir os mais de 50 milhões de pobres e outros.
Fazer isso sem o apoio do Congresso –o PRI não tem maioria– e com uma multidão nas ruas reclamando, não será fácil. Por mais objeções que se façam a seu nome, é fato que Peña Nieto ganhou nas urnas, numa eleição em que, mesmo que haja havido problemas na contagem dos votos, foi ganha com ampla e indiscutida margem.
Para continuar orgulhando-se da estabilidade institucional que alcançou nos últimos anos, o México precisa deixar Peña Nieto, pelo menos, começar a governar. Ao “YoSoy132”, seria uma bela lição de maturidade começar a colocar suas propostas no papel, formalizá-las e, quem sabe, estruturar-se como partido ou como uma organização melhor desenhada. O quadro político mexicano só teria a ganhar com esse novo, jovem e vigoroso membro da oposição entrando no jogo de forças.
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Monday 2 March 2009?Why should grown-ups have all the fun? Burberry's new children's collection promises a seriously stylish spring summer 2011.Natalia Vodianova's children accompanied her to , made it onto Britain's Best Dressed list and is rumoured to have a wardrobe worth in excess of £2m. It seems that the kids are fast getting in on the fashion act – and Burberry have just the thing.After a month of drooling over fashion's best-dressed, we're delighted to discover Burberry's new SS11 children's collection.There are pieces for new borns and 0-18 months, infants (girls and boys) from three months to four years' old, and kids (girls and boys) from aged four to 14 years' old.Burberry's collection is taken from their ready-to-wear range – so think trademark trenches, military coats and striped knits, all perfectly sized for small people.Super-cute and super-stylish, it's only a matter of time before the playground becomes the new catwalk. (FOR GROWN UPS!)?Burberry's creative director Christopher Bailey has turned interior designer – but never fear style fans, it's all in the name of the fashion house's latest home.After being based on London's Haymarket for over 100 years – since 1891 to be exact – Burberry has a shiny new headquarters at Horseferry House in Westminster.Purpose built for the fashion giant, the building is suitably stylish, with Bailey leading a team to ensure that the interior reflected the label's signature British values. With eight floors, and spanning 60,000 sq ft, the cutting edge venue comprises of both show rooms and office space. Commenting on their new home, Angela Ahrendts, Chief Executive of Burberry said, 'The move to our new headquarters at Horseferry House for the first time allows all of our London employees to work together in one location.'The cost and efficiency benefits were always planned, but the way our new space helps to unite the culture, improve communications and purify the brand are all added benefits.'?The trench coat is big style news for next season – updated versions were spotted on catwalks including – and now has launched a whole website devoted to it. is like a social networking site – but specifically devoted to the brand's iconic wardrobe staple.'Everybody has a different story related to their coat or the first time they came into contact with one,' explains Burberry creative director . 'I love the idea that people from all over the world can share those stories and images with each other.'For the launch of the site, Bailey commissioned '', street style photographer Scott Shuman, to snap uber-stylish Burberry trench coat wearers from Berlin to Sao Paolo. Site visitors will be able to favourite and comment on the portraits and share them using Facebook and Twitter.?London's yummiest mummies have gained a new fashion destination on their radar this month, but it's their little stylistas that'll be getting all the benefits.Burberry has opened its very first childrenswear store in the UK on Notting Hill's fashionable Westbourne Grove, and as to be expected, it's packed full of the label's signature designs, albeit to the tiniest proportions.Taking the Burberry's mainline aesthetic, the children's versions translate the label's look for the most style conscious youngsters – think obligatory stone trenches and the signature check – for ages starting from newborn to 14-years-old. As a result, the store is the ultimate spot for picking up baby gifts for the most fashion forward mums-to-be. Stop by on either April 4,5, or 11, as the shop will be hosting fun-filled days to ensure your little lovelies are entertained while you shop!?Burberry Prorsum A/W 2008 Heavy winter coats, with fingerless gloves and knitted beanies kept out the chill at , while fabulous statement pieces necklaces kept up the glamour. Once the overcoats had been shedded, touchably-soft feathered cocktail dresses made a play for the limelight.?Notice to our readers…We’d like to let you know that this site uses cookies. Without them you may find this site does not work properly and many features may be unavailable. More information on what cookies are and the types of cookies we use can be found ?Notice to our readers…We’d like to let you know that this site uses cookies. Without them you may find this site does not work properly and many features may be unavailable. More information on what cookies are and the types of cookies we use can be found ?Burberry Prorsum S/S 2009 The show: The colours: Muted autumnal shades of copper, gold, bluebell and grey The trends: Paddington Bear patchwork hats; long-line, fine-knit cardigans worn with the sleeves scrunched up and waists cinched with leather thong; drop-waist, ruffled hem dresses; Barbour-style riding coats and classic trenches; the absolute palest of Burberry checks worn on faded frocks or jackets; stunningly beautiful necklaces created from copper leaves or squares of maroon leather.?Notice to our readers…We’d like to let you know that this site uses cookies. Without them you may find this site does not work properly and many features may be unavailable. More information on what cookies are and the types of cookies we use can be found ?Notice to our readers…We’d like to let you know that this site uses cookies. Without them you may find this site does not work properly and many features may be unavailable. More information on what cookies are and the types of cookies we use can be found ?Notice to our readers…We’d like to let you know that this site uses cookies. Without them you may find this site does not work properly and many features may be unavailable. More information on what cookies are and the types of cookies we use can be found ?Notice to our readers…We’d like to let you know that this site uses cookies. Without them you may find this site does not work properly and many features may be unavailable. More information on what cookies are and the types of cookies we use can be found ?Notice to our readers…We’d like to let you know that this site uses cookies. Without them you may find this site does not work properly and many features may be unavailable. More information on what cookies are and the types of cookies we use can be found ?Burberry have released the latest ad in their Spring/Summer 11 campaign and we're delighted to welcome back Brit girl Jourdan Dunn – looking incredible as ever.Since being discovered outside Primark in 2006, Jourdan has gone on to become one of Britain's leading models. Despite , she bounded back onto our fash-dar this season, landing catwalks with all the biggest names and racking up a campaign with YSL. And she's showing no signs of slowing down.After walking in the Burberry show, she's now been signed up as one of the new cast members for their Spring/Summer 2011 collection, following in the likes of and . For S/S 2011, Burberry are launching a new advert every month – always featuring a British hot duo and a new Burberry product. Shot on Brighton beach by Mario Testino (Does this man ever stop working?) Dunn was teamed up with Sacha M'Baye – and showcasing Burberry's metallic and leather combos, we think these two are quite the couple!January launched with Cara Delevigne and Jacob Young, Jourdan and Sacha are the February faces – we wonder who will be for March??In what will surely be the hottest ticket of the season, has announced that it will return to London Fashion Week, to celebrate the style extravaganza's 25th anniversary. In a massive boost for the capital's most fashionable event, the spring/summer '10 collection will provide the finale for September's fashion week, on Tuesday 22nd. 'London is our home – it's the heart of this global luxury brand and the center of all our creativity,' commented Burberry's creative director Christopher Bailey. 'We are so excited to be showing during London Fashion Week and particularly to be part of its historic 25th anniversary.We are incredibly proud of our Britishness and this is really a wonderful opportunity to celebrate that in our home city.'The British label usually shows in Milan, but is coming home this season as part of the 25 year anniversary celebrations. It joins a growing list of big names that have returned to the capital, including Vivienne Westwood, Luella and Alice Temperley.?You can always rely on to uncover the British stars of the future, and the cast of its new autumn/winter 2011 advertising campaign is no exception.Starring a bevy of budding actresses, cutting-edge musicians and models, the campaign was inspired by 'iconic British portraits' and the luxury brand’s own archives from the ‘60s featuring shots of Jean Shrimpton, according to Burberry Chief Creative Officer, Christopher Bailey.The campaign will change each month throughout the season and feature different homegrown faces and themes.Shot in London by acclaimed photographer, Mario Testino, the glamorous June line-up includes upcoming actress Felicity Jones – whose CV already boasts Brideshead Revisited and Cemetary Junction – alongside models Cara Delevingne, Jourdan Dunn, Edie Campbell, Amber Anderson and 16-year-old Molly Smith. And for the boys, Morecombe-born musician Matthew Whitehouse – lead singer of indie band The Heartbreaks – joins models Thomas Penfound, Johnny George and Jake Cooper in the line-up, as well as Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides actor and definite ‘one-to-watch’ Sam Claflin, who will appear alongside Twilight star Kristen Stewart in next year’s fairytale remake, Snow White and the Huntsman.Take a peek at Burberry’s autumn/winter 2011 campaign video below…? shines in Mario Testino's gorgeous new Burberry ad campaign.Due to be unveiled in glossy magazines around the world from January, we got a sneak peak at the images yesterday and thought it only fair to share them with you, too!Shot in Richmond-Upon-Thames, just outside London, uber-photographer Mario Testino was, once again, behind the camera with Britain's hottest young things in front, including musicians George Craig and Sam Beeton, alongside actor Alex Pettyfer.'This campaign reflects the true heritage of Burberry outerwear, the iconic check and our British attitude,' Burberry's creative director, Christopher Bailey, says. 'I wanted the mood to be gentle, relaxed, romantic and about a quiet beautiful sense of luxury. Shot in a garden in England on a group of eclectic great Brits, this campaign highlights the spirit of our wonderfully crumpled classics.'?Burberry's 3D catwalk show at London fashion week will ensure a virtual front-row seat for everyone.Been to see Avatar lately? Forgotten to hand in your 3D glasses at the end of the film? Well good for you because now you'll be able to use them to stay ahead of the fashion pack with a virtual front-row seat at Burberry's catwalk show this season. Despite being a heritage fashion label founded in 1856, is fully embracing 21st century technology by screening its autumn/winter 2010 runway show in 3D.The label's Chief Creative Officer, Christopher Bailey explains, 'We will be simultaneously live streaming our show using 3D technology directly to New York, Paris, Dubai, Tokyo and LA. '3D technology will bring our global audience into the London show space allowing them to see the colours and fabrics, to hear the music and to be a part of that moment when it all finally comes together.' has continued to beat the recession with its innovative business practices resulting in sales soaring to £380 million in the final three months of last year. It has also roped in the modelling talents of Harry Potter star, Emma Watson who was recently revealed to be Hollywood's top earning actress.The 3D films will be screened at custom-designed spaces in some of the world's most fashion forward cities. Sadly you'll need an invitation to get in, however, Burberry will also be streaming the show live on , albeit in 2D.?At a time when many retailers are tightening their belts, luxury fashion brand has seen popularity soar, with sales up an impressive 22 per cent in the final three months of 2011. Boosted by Christmas shoppers, who put in some particularly impressive spending in Bejing, Hong Kong, London and Paris, the brand reportedly raked in an impressive £574 million in those three months alone. It’s thought the brand's popularity in the Asia-Pacific region also remain high, as buyers snap up the latest must-have designer goods. Famous faces fronting the brand – including sizzling starlet Rosie Huntington-Whiteley – may also have contributed to their success, while some claim the effect has also taken hold. When the Duchess , featuring a pretty frilled hem and traditional aviator-style buckle belt, her cover-up of choice had sold out in almost every size within hours. Wow. ?£30Add A Wear's peach feathered skirt to your spring style repertoire, and you'll have tapped some of the season's hottest trends before it's even started.First up, fashion is about to get uber-, thanks to a new-found love affair with femininity – granting this oh-so-pretty design instant style credentials. Next up, are big news after dominating the catwalks at Burberry, Lanvin and Valentino – pinks took the limelight, and this peachy shade steps up as a new-season favourite. Lastly, when it comes to detailing it's all about the romance, so these delicate feathers should do nicely.High-fashion trends all for £30 – you'd be mad if your fashion pulse wasn't fluttering. Review byLucy Hutchings?£16When it came to accessories, designers thought big for spring/summer '09. Statement oversized jewellery abounded – spotted at Marni, Gucci, Moschino, Burberry and Louis Vuitton – in a multiple of colours, textures and forms.A really easy trend to buy into this season, the beauty of a big necklace is that it instantly tranforms your look – adding interest and style to the simplest ensembles. If you usually shy away from flamboyant accessories, then try this Accessorize piece. All in gold, but with an intricate paisley panel, it's easy to incorporate into everyday wardrobes.Review byLucy Hutchings?£65 are big news for the spring season – thanks to appearances at Burberry, Valentino and Chanel, to name but a few – and where the designers have led, the high street has followed.One of the easiest ways to tap the look, without opting for head-to-toe sweet tones, is with layers. Add ASOS's blush pink slouchy silk blazer to your spring repertoire and wear casually with your favourite jeans or tailored trousers, for a sophisticated take on the trend.Review byLucy Hutchings?Burberry Body From £45Thanks to a featuring the beautiful Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Burberry's new fragrance is one of the most anticipated fragrance launches of the year, and luckily, beauty fans won't be disappointed. A truly sensual scent, a blend of sandalwood, cashmerean, musk and amber bring warmth, while a heart of rose and iris ensures it oozes femininity. Top notes of peach and freesia add a dash of freshness. Review byLucy Hutchings?£33 for 50mlBurberry's popular summer fragrance is back for another year…The limited edition Eau de Toilette has had a revamp for 2011, inspired by the 'tranquil mood of a British summer morning.'The zesty fragrance contains fruity top notes of pomegranate, orange and green leaf, a floral heart of rose, freesia and lily of the valley, and a woody base of cedar, sandalwood and white musk.And not only does it smell great, it looks great too – housed in a gorgeous coral bottle detailed with that iconic Burberry check.It really is the scent of the summer.Review bySarah Karmali?£31And the award for favourite fragrance of the summer, goes to Burberry.The Brit fashion house has come up trumps once again with its latest scent for this season – the aptly named Burberry Summer – a fresh, fruity update on their original fragrance.With top notes of blackcurrent and pomegranate, the zesty eau de toilette is the ideal accompaniment for balmy summer days.And remember that gorgeous array of sherbet shades seen on the Burberry Spring/Summer 2010 catwalk? Well following suit, the fragrance bottle features that iconic check print – in pastel pink for the girls, and baby blue for the boys.I for one, love it. Review bySarah Karmali?£45Style watchers will note that this Ce Me London blush minidress takes it cue from Burberry's pastel-packed spring/summer 2010 collection, in both its sherbert shade and pretty ruching.That catwalk inspiration means it's a top-trend buy – not just tapping the season's favourite candy pink hue, but fashion's new mood for romance too, with its delicate drape pleats and feminine silhouette.Review byLucy Hutchings?£183 is well and truly is full swing, and while there's a host of big names still to come – Burberry, Christopher Kane and Paul Smith, to name but a few – the weekend hosted an array of hot tickets.One of the must-haves had to be , which took place last night. If you love the grand dame of British fashion, then get over to my-wardrobe, where this stunning red dress just screams out capsule wardrobe style. Like many a Westwood piece, it clings in all the right places, giving you curves you never knew you had. A classic investment buy if ever I've seen one.Review byLucy Hutchings?Notice to our readers…We’d like to let you know that this site uses cookies. Without them you may find this site does not work properly and many features may be unavailable. More information on what cookies are and the types of cookies we use can be found ?YOU KNOW YOU'VE made it as a model when dying your hair makes headlines, and Agyness Deyn's new darker-than-dark brunette 'do, showcased on the catwalk during Milan Fashion Week, is bound to make headlines.
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