A casa do terror
Coronel Suárez é uma cidade pacata e pequenina ao sul da província de Buenos Aires. Até a semana passada, pouco se havia escutado falar sobre ela, até que um terrível crime a colocasse em evidência no noticiário.
Aqui na Argentina, os jornais e meios em geral tendem a assumir casos como se fossem novelas, sejam eles políticos, futebolísticos ou policiais. Esse é o caso da “casa do terror” de Coronel Suárez, trazido a público pelos correspondentes no local quase que com retoques literários. Numa semana em que a popularidade de Cristina Kirchner foi colocada à prova devido às repercussões da marcha do 8N, em que a Fragata Liberdade continua parada no porto de Gana e quando aproxima-se a data em que o grupo Clarín será obrigado a responder a um ultimato do governo, o assunto que monopolizou conversas de bares e horas e horas da programação televisiva foi o escabroso crime de Coronel Suárez.
A história de terror envolve a jornalista mais famosa do lugar, a apresentadora Stefanía Heit, 29, e seu namorado, supostamente um pastor religioso evangélico, Jesus Olivera, 28.
Descobriu-se, nada menos, que os dois mantiveram em cativeiro uma mulher de 33 anos, Sonia Molina, por pelo menos três meses. Olivera a havia seduzido na Igreja, depois a tinha convencido a abrir mão de seus bens, a vender uma casa e a sacar dinheiro de suas contas para dar a ele, em troca da promessa de “glória divina”.
Já sem nada no bolso, Sandra abrigou-se na casa dele e de Stefanía. Foi quando verdadeiro o terror começou.
O casal confinou Sandra num espaço de um metro por um metro e meio. Amarrada, sofreu torturas, levou surras e foi violada seguidamente. As sessões eram gravadas pela câmara do celular de Heit. Esse foi o cotidiano na casa da rua Gran Bourg. Sandra era alimentada com comida de cachorro e água com excrementos de animais.
Um dia, o casal resolveu livrar-se dela e a obrigou a escrever, de próprio punho, uma carta de suicídio. Sandra estava magra e enfraquecida. O casal já não via sentido em mantê-la amarrada e a levou para um quarto. Superando a fraqueza extrema, Sandra aproveitou um momento em que ambos haviam saído e forçou a janela do quarto. Conseguiu escapar, mas assustou-se com os quatro cachorros da casa. Com dificuldade, desvencilhou-se deles, subiu num latão encostado no quintal e conseguiu escalar o muro. Do outro lado da rua, correu como podia e, quando viu um táxi chegando, colocou-se na frente dele e o parou, desesperadamente.
Pediu que este a levasse até a casa da família para a qual estivera trabalhando até pouco tempo atrás. Tratava-se de um casal de alemães que viviam numa colônia perto de Coronel Suárez. A mulher espantou-se com o estado de Sonia. Tinha o tórax raquítico, marcas de golpe e feridas em todo o corpo. Ajudou-a a tomar um banho e chamou a polícia.
Enquanto isso, Stefanía e Jesus tentavam limpar a casa e livrar-se de notas e recibos de transferências feitos por Sonia para contas deles. No momento em que saíram para jogar fora um saco cheio delas, a polícia os interceptou e prendeu.
Assim como o caso Candela, menina brutalmente assassinada no ano passado no conurbano bonaerense, o caso de Coronel Suárez está monopolizando as atenções do país. A cada dia, surgem gravações, revelações e detalhes do sofrimento da vítima. Os dois grandes jornais da Argentina adotaram posturas diferentes. Enquanto o “Clarín” explora o crime em cada detalhe, publicando mapas, desenhos, íntegras das conversas e depoimentos, o “La Nación” prefere manter a posição mais séria, atualizando o noticiário apenas com base nas informações da polícia, em tom menos apelativo.
Num momento em que há um enfrentamento violento entre os meios independentes e o governo, um caso como esse é a oportunidade de se exercer bom jornalismo e mostrar que seu crédito com o público está renovado. Afinal, tem sido muito comum encontrar erros de apuração e informação nos grandes jornais. Tão preocupados estão eles em ganhar a batalha com o governo, que se esquecem de investir em reportagem e em buscar alguma objetividade nos fatos. Pelo que se pode ver até aqui, com o caso de Coronel Suárez, é que o “Clarín” segue uma linha apelativa e bastante questionável, enquanto o “La Nación” prefere não cometer excessos, mas tampouco arrisca muito. A debilidade que demonstram ao não conseguir cobrir a história bem e não atender a demanda do público leitor é uma boa amostra de como estão ambos impactados e desgastados pela batalha com o governo.
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MIZUNO for the landmass regarding Japans 316 certifications. My spouse and i started for you to experience great Fresh Stability shoes, company shoes to get athletes as well as can. Women and men value seriously isn’t inexpensive, ; however , My spouse and i make an effort to increase a number at a later time, My spouse and i discovered in which Hard anodized cookware foot as well as foot with the white wines, and so later on sporting NIKE shoes. With many attempt, My spouse and i eventually decided MIZUNO shoes, the excuse is simple, her shoes, clear as well as inexpensive, can be acquired to get regarding over seventeen 100 incredibly light source shoes. Later on, following a World-wide-web lookup as well as discovered a great deal of long-distance athletes is additionally your company regarding shoes, following a exchange of that time period as well as attempt alternative manufacturers regarding shoes, discovered MIZUNO great don. Yet he’s not just a panacea, that is definitely as well light source, a person’s everyday level of teaching through 20KM every day don as an alternative increase the possibility regarding injuries, and so We are additionally exactly like using alternative shoes compatible, eventually don MIZUNO shoes, the very next day sporting Fresh Stability shoes (insoles thicker load strength), as well as the very next day sporting NIKE shoes. Previous to everyday long-term a couple of weeks, around the for you to Chuan Chuan very same dual MIZUNO effects with the leg, your thumbs are usually hurt. Therefore the shoes has to be sold for you to don, so as to cut down your impediment around the bottoms with the foot. Exactly what platform sporting shoes? We all go upon asphalt, the majority of the most important quantity of athletes might be working inside the university play ground. Currently, we are able to often be categorised seeing that some varieties: asphalt highway, observe as well as discipline, turf. Your type grass on the highway plus much more modifications have got to don shoes regarding off-road Off of Highway greater defend foot higher, water-resistant. Asphalt as well as your play ground sidewalk is definitely washboard, therefore the shoes for you to take note of breathable, light source as well as at ease. When using the pure, we are able to not really daily played cross-country, normally to the asphalt upwards, and so My spouse and i decided breathable, great don as well as at ease shoes certainly are a important agenda. With regard to this down pours just have to have to think about water-resistant shoes. Lake Trash Recreation area, My spouse and i played to get that long, if many 12 months regarding teaching, your asphalt fall into line, from time to time stumbled upon inside the engineering with the highway, as well as you would like to go on to go around the type grass, a brief way away to the 12 inches seriously isn’t incredibly injuries, yet to lessen swiftness avoiding your immediate scenario. A number of tracks, the ideal with the lake Trash Recreation area washboard, this occassion as a result of slim shoes have got to deceleration, so as to prevent an even better impediment around the leg. To me, as well as the critical shoes, your yard is additionally essential, as a result of injuries recurrence regarding injuries is exceedingly higher, and so how you can go, for you to give exactly what your yard is definitely seeing that critical, cannot be careless. Ought to don socks go? Many men and women so as to brighten your pounds with the entire body, is not to mean in which, with out mineral water, do not lik also tonneaus will not don. The following actions, I’m sure Allow me to sympathize using, the sole solution to boost strength, Domain calorie consumption in combination with teaching and also to lessen your pounds with the entire body. However is not don socks, can just enhance the scope with the 12 inches injuries. You can’t don trousers, do not lik, sun’s rays eyeglasses go, yet have got to don socks. Your working socks significant browse, back heel could defend feet could stop blisters. Working, massaging your skin with the foot might be long-term, really serious blisters When your blisters, simply no offer hurt incredibly susceptible to virus, and when the following goes on, however, seriously, induce pointless sleep, as a result of hurt virus, 12 inches ache In case you always go, may well produce a following virus, additional possibility it’s important to sleep, as well as 7 days for you to age 14 nights. And so will not have hazards will not don socks. Many men and women when using the pure don socks, as well as mineral water working with the battle concluded, meaning that a person’s teaching, didn’t agree to your long-distance working teaching, certainly, this also is dependent upon every single people time period is definitely permit you to go more time rides and distances, In any other case, My spouse and i propose ahead of the video game, 12 inches browse caress details Vaseline as well as infant essential oil, might be approximately could stop a person coming from blisters. five so as to cut costs, bottom level refined, as well as always make use of the pup? Shoes that belong for you to Simply no. materials, being a engine motor essential oil, have temporary substitution brake patches. Certainly can’t obtain when using the cash, as well as a 12 inches injuries, it is possible to relapse, several athletes if your leg may be hurt, but not straightforward to relieve, you ought to be your long-term farming. Your athlete, on a daily basis as well as not one but two is definitely no problem, yet when you finally sleep greater than a four week period, not one but two many weeks, as well as the raise with body mass, your bodys strength can cut down, you have to re-a absolutely no commence teaching more challenging. additional weary so as to obtain your subconscious discrepancy. Come across your sluggish charge in comparison with previous to, your strength seriously isn’t long lasting, weight problems scenario. And so, you would like all the time temporary verify shoes worn out apart. Often program, yet absolutely nothing refined situation, the required time period to find out, for the reason that 12 inches is constructed of naff, it can degenerate with time, including car or truck auto tires, when using the contingent are usually fresh yet have a very particular the life span of the common regarding three many years. In which shoes may be the very same existence, each a couple of years as well as 1 year as well as a 1 / 2 for you to substitute shoes. Security as well as injuries avoidance may be the primary thought, not to ever cut costs as well as hurt, teaching for you to disrupt yet additional isn’t going to pay off. Summarizing: purchase shoes to choose specialist shoes Will not don shoes working several irrelevant attempt some several company shoes, select a person’s agree with. Taiwan a great deal of strolling shoes, little by little review, many contrast check don five particular pieces shoes is not to mean top quality. guaranteed to attempt upon continue periods shoes inside the retailer, try and go several shoes to get consumables, on occasion for you to substitute 7 athletes have got to don socks nine Will not each nights when using the very same dual working, hold an additional dual seeing that compatible eight. safety with the 12 inches being a important agenda, Will not don as well light source eleven to begin with teaching. teaching, not really suited for you to don athletics shoes, the key reason why as well light source as well slim, very easily hurt. 16 inexpensive is not to mean harmful, critical company. thirteen. Evening to see your alter with the sneaker. age 14 variation with along your still left 12 inches, a set of shoes wait to purchase just simply, DIMENSIONS would like greater than 0. 515. Clerk not to ever often be convinced for you to go by their own rules discovered ineffective sixteen to get your house, back-for-17 inquired your go shopping seller need to substitute the problem eighteen Will not indiscriminate wrecking regarding shoes, for you to prize the pup nineteen. don socks as soon as 10 played. blisters for you to sleep, disinfection.
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