A vida depois do terror

Sylvia Colombo

Está em cartaz no reformado Centro Cultural San Martín, no centro de Buenos Aires, a obra “Mi Vida Después”, da escritora e dramaturga Lola Arias. Trata-se de mais uma reflexão sobre os tempos da ditadura militar argentina (1976-1983). No caso dessa obra, porém, toda a voz é dada para os filhos dos desaparecidos, que não só atuam como trazem à cena objetos, fotografias e recordações de seus pais.

São seis atores, todos nascidos nos anos 70 e começo dos 80. Passam as quase duas horas de espetáculo juntando as peças para remontar as figuras de seus jovens pais, em geral mortos numa idade menor que a deles. A produção é criativa, enquanto os atores falam, fotos são apresentadas e sofrem intervenção para descrever cada traço de personalidade ou detalhe de um evento. Há ternura, certo bom humor e delicadeza nessa parte, em que são apresentadas cenas como as do casal de militantes exilado no México comemorando a vitória da Argentina no Mundial de 1978, ou a partida no aeroporto de um dos desaparecidos, olhando para trás para ver seu país pela última vez. Também são usadas roupas e objetos pessoais dos guerrilheiros e militantes mortos.

O curioso é que a história de cada um tem mudado desde que a produção começou a ser encenada. Carla, cujo pai era guerrilheiro do ERP (Exército Revolucionário do Povo), não sabia onde o pai estava enterrado. Agora, com novos exames de DNA, descobriu, e a resposta aparece na montagem.

Já Vanina, filha de um oficial de inteligência que cresceu com um irmão adotivo sequestrado pelos militares, finalmente se decidiu por denunciar o pai à Justiça, levando-o a ser condenado a 18 anos de cadeia. Mariano, cujo pai era jornalista e pertencente à Juventud Peronista, antes atuava com seu filho mais velho, que tinha a mesma idade que ele quando foi sequestrado, agora atua com o mais novo.

A obra fica em cartaz até o final de outubro. Mais informações pelo site: www.centroculturalsanmartin.com.



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  9. The Fashion for Relief catwalk fundraiser will take place on the last day of London Fashion Week, at the Natural History Museum. Lizzie Jagger and Leah Wood will also take to he runway for the event.?Ladies, if you've ever looked at your other half and wished you could give him a fash-over, your prayers have been answered. has just announced the launch of a dedicated menswear site, Mr Porter.Due to launch in January next year for the Spring/Summer 2011 season, the site will feature the kind of heavy-hitting brands and cool labels we've come to expect from Net-a-Porter.Designers on offer will include , , ,, and MR by .Net a Porter's Natalie Massenet, who is celebrating the 10th anniversary of the company this year, explains: 'This is an incredibly exciting new venture for us and one we've been planning for some time. 100% of Net a Porter customers have a man in their lives in some capacity and 59% are married or living with their partners. Additionally we look forward to welcoming a new group of super stylish men who join us to shop for themselves.'With same day delivery service in London and New York, and express delivery to all other destinations, our menfolk are in for a total stylistic treat…?Get set to discover the web's hottest new fashion destination – has finally arrived!The self-professed 'most fashionable fashion outlet,' the site comes from the team behind , and is set to transform designer sale shopping online in the same way that N-a-P led the way with internet fashion. Speaking to the Sunday Times, Net-a-Porter founder Natalie Massenet described the venture as 'a silver lining of the recession. Women have got used to discounts. Sale shopping can be grubby but this will be quite chic.'She added, 'We are very excited about this new brand which will have its own unique offering. It's time to give the sale customer a place she can call her own.'Just hours after launch, and we're well and truly hooked here on the marieclaire.co.uk desk! With a huge range of labels – think Luella, Marc Jacobs, Chloé, Vivienne Westwood and Stella McCartney – and prices slashed by up to 80%. Our favourite buys? We're lusting after the Vera Wang lavender shift dress, reduced from £342.55, to £68.51 or then there is the Burberry bamboo dress, with 70% off down to £86.70. I could go on, and on… To start your Outnet bargain hunting, .?Scooping both the George at Asda Gold Award and the Womenswear Award at Graduate Fashion Week, as well as industry support and mentoring, Chloe Jones from Bath Spa University is a name you need to know. We caught up with her to discuss fashion, inspiration and what to do with her £20,000 prize. What was the inspiration behind your collection?It started with my love for gothic and cathedral architecture, it's so atmospheric. From here I decided to explore the subject in more detail and draw on other religious imagery. I was looking a lot at stained glass windows and had the idea of bringing the ethereal figures within them to life in the modern day. What was on your moodboard? Stunning vaulted ceilings, stained glass windows, monks, friars, archangels. It was all very raw and emotive. Do you sketch your ideas? Yes, to start with I do like to sketch my ideas alongside my research to get an idea of where the collection is going. But it's when you start to mock up the ideas in 3-D that most of the development happens and you can see the shapes and silhouettes evolve. That's the exciting part! How did it feel to see your finished collection on the catwalk? It's very rewarding. Of course it's quite daunting presenting your work to the public having put your heart and soul into it, and you are never really able to step back and enjoy it properly! But I was so lucky that it was received so well. Talk me through the materials and fabrics you used?I used typical sweatshirt jerseys alongside silks. I wanted to give the hoodies a couture quality, so they are hand embroidered with metallic leaves and hand beaded and embellished. They are worn with full length, voluminous silk dresses to contrast with a more ethereal quality. Do you have a favourite piece? Possibly the cropped hoodie – this is the first piece I designed and worked on, and where the rest of the collection really stemmed from. It's very heavily embroidered and embellished across the shoulders, almost wing-like. I think it really represents what the collection is about. Were there many late nights and early mornings? Everything was done by hand, so it took forever. I think that's the nature of the industry anyway, and when you are so engrossed in your work you want to put that time and effort in. Tell me what was going through your mind when your name was announced and you were called up on stage? It was incredibly surreal. I have a vague recollection of my course mates all jumping up and screaming, but apart from that it was all a bit of a blur! I was completed stunned – I was so chuffed just to be able to show my collection at GFW, so to win both the Womenswear Award and the Gold Award was incredible. What do you plan to do with your £20,000 prize money? I think it's just the most amazing support to enter the industry with. It means that whatever opportunities come my way, I am now able to pursue which is just invaluable for a graduate. Who would you like to see wearing your collection?Somebody youthful who encompasses both the strong, powerful and urban qualities of the sportswear, and the ethereal, vulnerable element of the collection. Whose style do you admire?I have always admired Sarah Jessica Parker. She can look incredibly classic, but also be playful and have fun with fashion. Whatever look she goes for, I think she does it well and always looks incredibly stylish. Do you have a favourite designer?I admire different people, different seasons. I really love all sorts whether it's the stunning minimalism of , the richness of or the heritage of . Generally, I love quite classic design but with the little details and touches that make a garment extraordinary and exciting. What's next for you? It's all very overwhelming at the moment and the interest has been amazing. There are lots of opportunities arising from GFW, so we will have to see. I'm very excited to get into the industry. Where do you see yourself in five years time? Who knows! Engrossed in work and hopefully contributing to this amazing industry in one way or another. I'm open to all opportunities and very excited about the future. ?Despite demands for more women on the top tables of big businesses, only one in ten find themselves in executive appointments. While Burberry chief Angela Ahrendts is one of three women on the company's eight-person board, a report by says many women are being appointed to non-executive positions rather than being given the chance to take on more important roles. Carol Arrowsmith, partner in executive compensation at Deloitte, says the fact that nine out of 10 of the most important boardroom roles have gone to men in the same year the government put gender diversity at the top of their agenda is clearly not good.'This is an improvement on the overall number of executive positions held by women, which stands at one in 20 but it is not enough.'Women account for 30 per cent of non-executive appointments in the FTSE 350 and only 16 per cent of FTSE 100 board positions.But Lord Davies of Abersoch, who led an inquiry in to male dominance in British boardrooms, says companies should aim for their boards to be 25 per cent female by 2015.?Notice to our readers…We’d like to let you know that this site uses cookies. Without them you may find this site does not work properly and many features may be unavailable. More information on what cookies are and the types of cookies we use can be found ? IS ENGAGED to Irina Lazareanu, the model who starred in 's Topshop campaign. Canadian Lazareanu was hand-picked by Moss for her high-street range ads, after she had also used her for a shoot whilst guest editing French Vogue in 2005.

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